I’m Professor of the Department of Geography and Director of the Institute of Transport Studies at The University of Hong Kong.
I began my service to the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) by serving on the Education and Training Committee fifteen years ago in 2000. Since then, I have been actively involved in the Quality Assurance Committee, Membership Committee, the Education and Training Committee, Transport Policy Committee and the Standing Committee at levels from committee member through to committee chair and Vice-President. I was elected President of CILTHK in 2012-2014.
In 2012, I was appointed as one of the International Vice Presidents and have since then been chairing the CILT Membership Standards Committee. I currently hold various public service appointments in HKSAR Government advisory boards, non-government institutions, University committees and professional organisations both in Hong Kong and beyond. My key research interests are sustainable transport, particular transit-oriented development, walkable cities, and road safety and economic geography.
As IVP I enjoy working with our branches in Hong Kong, China, Macao and Taiwan and supporting the growth and development of our CILT family in South East Asia