We are the leading professional body for everyone who works in supply chain, logistics and transport.

CILT Awards and Sponsrship man in a fork lift

We help you and your organisation gain the knowledge and insights you need in the modern world where logistics and transport skills matter.

We’ve been around a while

We began in 1919 and have been working with the profession ever since. As our industry has grown in importance in the global economy so have we grown.

We reach out across the industry

Wherever you work. Whatever your specialism. Our members work in every sector of the industry: Ports and factories, air and sea, transport planning and demand planning, freight and warehousing. In an industry that accounts for 12% of GDP globally we need to make a difference. Together as professionals.

We reach out globally

We are now in over 30 countries worldwide. We are a global membership organisation. Our standards and your membership status are recognised wherever you go and wherever you work. We influence and shape government policy across many economies. We provide education and training at all levels and in all sectors. We are professionals.

We can be your career partner for life

We start with students and support their careers all the way to becoming professors, government ministers and Supply Chain directors. Whether its study in a topic, gaining a qualification, identifying a best practice, benchmarking another organisation or meeting with fellow professionals. You have different needs throughout your working life. As your career partner we are with you at every stage. Join us