Key information about who is approved to deliver CILT qualifications and other accredited programmes and the process that education and training providers have to undertake to become accredited providers.

It is important that the standards of the CILT are upheld in the learning environment, quality of staff, standards of teaching and many other areas. See our approved centres and courses here. Accredited Providers January 2016
Approved training providers and courses
CILT International keep a running list of all providers that are approved to run the following education services:
- CILT qualifications – Levels 1-6 as full courses
- CILT qualifications – Levels 1-5 using single modules only
- Accredited degrees leading to Chartered Membership exemption (management and on the job experience will still need to be demonstrated)
- Endorsed short courses and CPD
Enquiries are advised to check our list prior to making enquiries for future study.
We also offer distance learning options when visiting a local centre is not an option.
Becoming a training provider
In order for a training provider to be able to offer CILT qualifications, an application form and supporting information should be submitted to the International Professional Development Coordinator. Click here for the application form.
We have produced full guidelines for the accreditation of centres and course and these should be carefully followed by an education or training provider wishing to offer CILT courses and/or receive accreditation of their degrees or other existing programmes. You can download the guidance document for the process here.
Training providers should note that it is vital that CILT Chartered Members are within the proposed teaching team to keep the standards high, and although it may be possible for an organisation to bring in guest speakers and other lecturers, we are looking for organisations that can demonstrate robust and sustainable lecturing teams in the longer-term.
We also recognise the need to flexibility, and in some cases a training provider may want to offer one of two specific units as a ‘short course’ with a Unit certificate award I.e. warehousing, inventory etc) with the ability for the student to carry on later to achieve the full qualification. We’re happy to discuss this on a case by case basis.
Note that there are charges levied for the accreditation process, together with a requirement for a site visit to be carried out by an official representative of the CILT International team. The accreditation process cannot be completed within an official CILT visit to the location, and this will include applications from Universities who are offering their degrees through overseas partnerships.
The cost of the visit should be borne by the training provider, but we often ask the local CILT organisation to help by organising multiple visits to keep costs affordable. The local, International Professional Development Co-ordinator will be able to give individual advice on this area once an initial enquiry is received. Where there is a local CILT organisation in place, only CILT International can formally approve the centre, although we listen carefully to the views of the local CILT on each application.
Where there is a Territorial Organisation in place, normally they will carry out any vetting and assessment processes within that country, although the standards and process are set by CILT International.
Therefore we have a rigorous application and testing process in place to make sure the standards are kept high, as well as a re-accreditation process which normally needs to be carried out every 3 years.
Recognition of courses
CILT International are also to support continuing professional development programmes and other local opportunities for professionals to learn and grow. Whilst we cannot accredit such courses we can work with the Branches or Territorial Organisations to look at ways to recognise good quality CPD. For example, a series of evening lectures, a short course or other development opportunity could be recognised by CILT International.