I’m the International Professional Development Coordinator for the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and started this new role in 2012. My job is to ensure that we maintain high standards and quality across our education qualifications and services, and develop new products, markets and training opportunities globally. Ranging from formal qualifications to short courses and continuing professional development, my role is to make sure that we look after our customers from the start to the finish of their careers.
My 25 year background in transport and town planning, sustainable transport and logistics, and training delivery – as well as Policy Director for a while within CILT UK – has placed me in good stead to work internationally to support countries and training providers grow their education offerings.
As a firm believer that people are the best asset any organisation can have, and on a personal level am dedicated and committed to training and development and the value that continuing professional development has for organisation and individuals. From senior level mentoring and coaching through to supporting school-leavers and apprentices, I see a real opportunity for CILT to make an impact on the lives of individuals and the organisations that they work for.
I count myself lucky to have this role and to be able to work alongside other committed professionals who see the clear benefits of education and personal development. Whilst my work involves developing and shaping our education strategy, forward planning and product development, nothing can beat meeting our international family face to face. Some of my most memorable and rewarding experiences so far have been meeting members of our global CILT family; hard-working trainers and their students, presenting qualification certificates, accrediting new colleges, participating at international conferences and above all building relationships.
For education to go from strength to strength will need ongoing collaboration between CILT and commercial, government and volunteer partners. I value greatly the input from members who give up their time so readily to help us build a better and stronger education offering – and who are always looking for new ways for CILT to make a difference. With this combination of skills and energy we really are Stronger Together.